Wednesday, August 4, 2010

OK, Its HOT! Tips for Keeping Your Dog Cool in Hot Weather

My Dog Is Cool

Just the spot for a hot summer day!
When I lived at the Animal Shelter, it was a very hot summer. At least we did have a cool concrete floor in there and a door to an outside kennel so we could get fresh air. I was glad to get out of there though and find a home where there was a good A/C. I was happy to camp out in the house, except for playtime or walk time outdoors.

A hot summer in Oregon, however, is nothing compared to a hot summer in Texas, where we moved when I was a year old. Right now, it's 103 degrees outside and with the heat index, it's supposed to be close to 108! Way too hot for a dog to be sitting outdoors.

To keep cool right now, my mom takes us walking at 630 am (I know it interrupts one of my early morning naps but it's better than going later and cooking). We also get lots of cool water to drink and we don't have to go outside through the pet door unless we want to.

I sure wish it would snow right now!
It really upsets me to know that there are dogs out there, tied or chained to trees in this heat or put into an outside kennel with very little protection from the hot air. And people who take their dogs out in the car and leave them while they run into the store - don't even get me started!

When it's as hot as this, dogs can get dehydrated and have heat stroke, just like people. The temperature in a car, even with the windows down a little bit, can become like a blast furnace on a hot day-in just a few minutes.

Here are some tips for taking care of your dog in hot weather:
  •  Don't overexercise in the heat. Go for walks early in the morning or in the evening - although in Texas it can be hot 24 hours a day!
  • Give your dogs plenty of fresh, cool water to drink. When we get back from walks, my mom gives me and Leo a fresh bowl of water and makes sure we drink it, although we do have about 3 other water bowls around the kitchen too.
  •  If your dogs starts excessive panting or drooling, cool him or her off immediately!
  • If your dog is old or overweight, or if they have a heart or lung problem, don't take them out in the heat at all. Leo is 10 years old now and, let's face it, a little on the heavy side so she gets shorter walks than I do.
  • If your dog has really long or thick hair, you can get them a hair cut down to about an inch long.
  • Watch out for sunburn on the nose - (no, really!)
  • Don't leave your dogs around a pool unsupervised. I'd never do this but some dogs jump right in and can't even swim. The chemicals don't do much for the digestion either.
Remember, if you think your dog or cat is suffering from a heat stroke, get them to the vet as soon as possible!

Summer can be a great time for dogs, especially if pet parents take care to follow my tips for taking care of pets in hot weather.

If you'd like to know more about caring for your dog, this is a great book!  The Holistic Dog Book: Canine Care for the 21st Century

Here's some more hot weather tips for pets from the ASPCA

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