Saturday, August 14, 2010

Molly's Dog Blog - A Full Day in My Life

This is me - keeping watch and protecting the family.
Since I'm part Australian Shepard, I need a job to do and living with Joan and Ted, I have quite a few important jobs to take care of during the day. They're lucky to have me around, I can tell you that.

One of my main jobs is protecting Joan from various delivery men who come to the door during the day and all the people and dogs who walk by our house. I sit in the window quite a bit of the day and keep watch. If someone goes by, or a delivery truck stops, I set off the alarm, which is greatly appreciated, I know.

I'm a terrific guard dog - unless the vacuum cleaner comes out. If I see that noisy monster, all bets are off - I have to abandon my post. Or if it looks like bath time - I hate that! When I see the dog towels, I know immediately what's up and I try to hide out under the bed. This never did much good, but I keep trying.

Another job I have is keeping Joan company and keeping watch while she works at the computer all day. I might take a little snooze now and then but if she gets up to go downstairs, I'm right behind her in a flash. She might be going to the kitchen to get me a treat!
I have to be in the lead when we walk.

We have some other important events on our daily calendar too. Eating breakfast and going for our morning walk - which is at the park if we're lucky! When it's cooler, we go for a walk in the evening too and Ted comes. In this 105 degree heat, though, we've been skipping the evening walk. I wouldn't mind going in the heat but Leo can't make it very far.

Somewhere during the day, Leo and I have to fit in our regular 5 or 6 naps too.

Leo and I love evenings when Ted and Joan sit down to watch TV. Ted always gives us belly rubs and Leo and I take turns sitting by his chair. That Leo! When she thinks it's her turn, she just barges in and pushes me out of arms reach.

Here's me enjoying my nightly belly rub!
Every evening too, we have to let Joan know when 8 o'clock comes - we always know exactly what time it is, I can tell you. At 8 o'clock, Joan takes us outside to go potty for the last time at night and we get a treat that's good for our teeth when we come in. We could go out alone anytime - we do have a pet door - but hey, we have our routines and we need Joan to go so she can give us the treat afterward!

Leo's undignified when she gets her belly rub
Pretty soon it's bedtime. I'm the first dog Ted has ever let sleep in the bed but I hate sleeping with people. Due to my animal shelter "issues" I like my own space. I lay on the bed until Ted gets in, then I retire to my own. That is, if Leo hasn't messed it up. She loves to push her nose into my dog blankets and mess up my bed. She doesn't do it to her own bed, mind you, just mine. Probably due to some "issues" of her own.

All ready for a much needed night's sleep.
We all need a good nights sleep as morning comes very early and we get up and do it all again.

It's sure a dog's life!


  1. Nice blog! I enjoyed getting to know you and would have shared it with my fur-girls, but they're out on patrol... we live in the woods and there are critters to talk to (from the safety of their pen)...

  2. Hi Molly! Your job sounds rough. I wish my mom stayed home with me and my sisters all day -but she leaves to go to work. So my job is to guard the yard. It's hard! Beauregard James the bloodhound.

  3. Thanks so much for visiting! I loved your blogs too!

  4. He's really doing his job. I can see how great you are as a dog trainer! Keep up the good job!


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